
Meet Stripey, he's made from plush, most of my bears are made from mohair.  Plush is much harder to work with as it tends to stretch quite a bit, he's off to a lady in Redcar who ordered him at a recent craft fair I did in Saltburn.

Here he is again looking much more somber but just a cute.  I haven't just made this bear while I have been away from by blog, it's just been really hectic and it doesn't look like stopping any time soon.

I'll have to get some photos of my makes up onto my blog and hopefully get some more interest.

Hope to be back soon.



Chrissy said...

He looks so adorable Lotty, gorgeous eyes, and so soft and cuddly.


Tinkertaylor said...

A ha now I see what is keeping you busy. He'a gorgeous

Alba Linea said...

ooh how cute! your such a creative and talented person! i must take a little jump on your followerlist so i cant miss the new things you share with us. have a creative day! di